Tag Archives: social networks

Why Go with Wallpost Social Network

Almost the web completely filled with plenty of social networking & photo sharing sites, still here is necessity to take new social network because of some lagging on existed social networks. Here going to discuss a new social network Wallpost. The website wallpost is the most secure social network is enabling with photo sharing activity. In few words, the features which are unique on wallpost and the reasons why to go with the website,

Recent Visitors, allows users to know the information of their recent visitors that means who visited your profile mostly recently. This information will display along with the details of visited member name, profile picture and date. Moreover, it is possible to choose the visitors information as per date wise, weekly, and monthly.

Password Protected Albums, allows users to set their albums with password protection. This is one of the beneficial feature from wallpost that who fear with photo scams on photo sharing websites. Here, you have to enter guest password for the particular album which you want to share and enter the member names with whom you want to share. The system will automatically send the request for those members along with your guest password. So, the members that who received your password only the people can be able to view your albums. By this you can restrict intruder’s disturbance on your photo sharing action.

Writing Articles, One of the best and interesting features that will appear rarely on social networks. This is fantastic option for the people that who have passion of writing article & blogs.  It allows putting on maximum words from your mind, but all the articles will publish by after completion of the review from wallpost team. Once, it has been publishing, surely it will get maximum visibility.

Photo Tagging, the option makes your photo search easier after a long period of time. Here, you can give the names or keywords for photos that related to the photo is better to recognize easily. The photos which have been saved with similar names will displays in one place. This is not only limited for your photos and also take the advantage of other pictures also.

Social Ads, a common term that is hearing on all the social networking sites. But in wallpost, a quiet different, The ads circulate here in a chain process mean by that if you created ad on wallpost, that will display on your friend’s page, suppose they make a like or comment on your ad again the ad will post on your friend’s status updates, so it is visible to your buddy friend’s list members. Furthermore, the website take an advantage and offer five social ads absolutely free of cost.

Dashboard, a place which has the count of all the incoming, outgoing & miscellaneous activities. Here, all the information displays with summary count which has been performed by the specific user like as status, comments, albums, share & whatever. Moreover, you can see the summaries count with a wide range of date selection.

A plenty of other features are existed to make the wallpost as better user-friendly, such are location based events, photo & album statistics, network page update statistics, followers, contacts and more.


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Posted by on April 30, 2013 in social networking website


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